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Home > .NET Barcode Reader > C#.NET Barcode Recognition Guide > C#.NET Codabar Barcode Reader & Scanner; VB.NET Codabar Reader is also provided
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Codabar Barcode Reading / Scanning Library for C#.NET Project

Read & Detect Codabar Linear Barcode Using C# Class Codes
  • Support reading & scanning Codabar barcode in .NET 2.0 frameworks and above
  • Support Codabar reading in ASP.NET, WinForms & Console applications using C#
  • Support detecting & decoding Codabar from 4 directions in C#.NET applications
  • Support other linear barcode recognition in C#.NET applications, like Code 39
  • Support popular 2d barcode scanning using C#, like QR Code & Data Matrix
  • Support several licenses for C# programmers, including Windows & Server Distribution Licenses
Add Codabar Barcode Decoder Library to C# Project
  1. Unzip the trial package and find "BarcodeLib.BarcodeReader.dll".
  2. Add "BarcodeLib.BarcodeReader.dll" to your C# project reference.
Read & Scan Codabar Barcode in C#.NET Project
Copy following C# code to your .NET project and all those Codabar barcodes in that source image file will be read & decoded.
But what should be noted here is that, as for the trial package, the first character of decoded Codabar data will be a random character.
     string[] results = BarcodeReader.read("c:/codabar-csharp.gif", BarcodeReader.CODABAR);
Adjust Codabar Barcode Reading Rate Using C# Class Code
In the following two cases, you are recommended to adjust the Codabar barcode scanning rate in your C# project.
Case 1: Read & scan maximum Codabar in C#.NET class project
If there is a large-size Codabar barcode in the source image file, you can set "maxOneBarcodePerPage" to true. Then this C#.NET barcode reader library will not use total 5 algorithms from 4 directions. Instead, it will stop scanning once it detects one Codabar barcode.
Case 2: Decode Codabar from scanning defined area of source image using C#
If the source image file is a large-size image and the Codabar barcode is only in the top 20% and bottom 20% area of it, then you can define the Codabar scanning area using following C# code.
     OptimizeSetting setting = new OptimizeSetting();


ScanArea top20 = new ScanArea(new PointF(0.0F, 0.0F), new PointF(100.0F, 20.0F));

ScanArea bottom20 = new ScanArea(new PointF(0.0F, 80.0F), new PointF(100.0F, 100.0F));

List<ScanArea> areas = new List<ScanArea>();


string[] results = BarcodeReader.read("c:/codabar-csharp.gif ", BarcodeReader.CODABAR, setting);
How to Scan Other Barcodes Using C#
Scan 1D Barcode Images:
Scan 2D Barcode Images:
Note: The most top left point of target image is (0%, 0%) and the most bottom right point is (100%, 100%).